Welcome to the Syriac Holy Spirit Church in Melbourne

Upcoming Events

St. Joseph's Revelation

أحد جليان يوسف

Dec 12
St. Behnam & Sarah and the Forty Martyrs

عيد الشهيدين مار بهنام وسارة والاربعين شهيداً

Dec 10
Immaculate Conception

عيد الحبل بلا دنس

Dec 8

Parish Priest of Holy Spirit Church of the Syriac catholic community

Revered Fadhel Alqass Ashaq

0433 833 647
[email protected]
227 Blair St, Dalls Vic 3047

Presbytery: 115 Corinella Crescent Dallas Vic 3047

Bishop Basilios Georges CASMOUSSA

The Apostolic Visitor to Australia and New Zealand

المطران مار باسيليوس جرجس القس موسى

الزائر الرسولي لأستراليا ونيوزيلندا

Our Magazine نسمة الروح القدس

latest issues
# 32
# 31
# 30
# 29
view all issues

About the Syriac Catholic Church

The Syriac Catholic Church is one of the Eastern churches that follow the Holy See in Rome, It's independent & linked in full communion with it. With its Eastern branch, which allows the Syriac Catholics to keep their ecclesiastical traditions and rituals.

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